Our Jersey cows are the source of all of our Grade A dairy. We keep our batches small to ensure consistency in quality. Creamy, rich, and all-natural, nothing tastes better than our dairy.
Jersey cows usually produce milk that is higher in butterfat, which helps make our milk so rich and creamy. To be defined as "Whole" on the shelves, milk must have at least 3.25% fat content. Most commercial producers will take all but the required amount of butterfat to use the remaining butterfat to make products such as half and half, heavy creamy, cream cheese, and many others. We don't remove any of our butterfat, which means, thanks to our wonderful cows and their amazing producing power, our milk contains 4.5-5% butterfat, making it hard to find a taste like ours in any old milk case!
Low-Temp/Vat Pasteurization
With Vat Pasteurization, milk is slowly heated to about 145 degrees for 30 minutes, as opposed to ultra-pasteurized milk, which is heated to about 161 degrees for 15 seconds. One of the benefits of low heat is that it is less invasive, so milk retains some of its original properties. Another benefit is that the longer time caramelizes the proteins in the milk, giving it a sweeter, more unique taste. This will make drinking milk both a healthy delight and a great way to help curb a sweet tooth!
Homogenization is a process most milk processors use to break down the fat globules and prevent the cream from separating. It makes it so you don't have to shake the milk before use. It is a simple process without any additives and is not harmful to the milk, but there are some benefits to not homogenizing. For instance, people who have trouble digesting dairy find non-homogenized products a bit easier to handle because their body can more easily sort the fat from the proteins and vitamins it's trying to absorb.

Learn more about all of Lowcountry Creamery’s products.